Triggering Workflows

Automateo workflows are triggered via webhooks. Here's how to set up and use webhook triggers:

  1. When you save a workflow, Automateo generates a unique webhook URL for that workflow.

  2. You can find this URL in the workflow details page.

  3. To trigger the workflow, send a POST request to this webhook URL.

  4. Include any necessary input data in the request body, formatted according to your Input node specifications.

  5. Authenticate the request by including your Automateo API key in the Authorization header as "Bearer {token}".

Example curl command to trigger a workflow:

Copycurl -X POST{workflow_id} \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_API_KEY}" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{ "input": { "some_property": "value" } }'

Replace {workflow_id} with your actual workflow ID, YOUR_API_KEY with your Automateo API key, and adjust the JSON payload to match your workflow's input requirements.

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